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Think and Grow Rich

Napoleon Hill

Space exploration and curiosity

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill was published in 1937 right at the great depression and is considered as one of the most useful self development books of all time. Hill goes through a series of steps one needs in order to receive riches. The first step - a burning desire and unshakeable faith in one's desire.

While Napoleon Hill unvials these “laws” of success, he also gives a glimpse of his personal story. The key takeaway is that anyone can achieve  the desired success by following the certain set of principles which also include setting a clear plan, taking actions while perceiving a positive mental attitude. 

What is most captiavting is that Hills preparation for this book came after 20 years of work and investigating how great inventors and wealthy people has acquired their riches in one or another form. 

While Hill may have other books published like “Outwiting the devil” or his first work "The Law of Success", Think and Grow Rich stands as the number one best selling self help book which has  transformed my life but also is the one favourite book of so many successful people like Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and others. Oprah has revealed that she rereads the book every now and then and brings it with her everywhere she goes. 

The 13 steps to riches, as outlined in "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill, are:


  • Desire: Start with a strong desire or burning ambition to achieve a specific goal or outcome.

  • Faith: Have unwavering faith in yourself and your ability to achieve your goal.

  • Autosuggestion: Use positive self-talk and affirmations to reinforce your beliefs and goals.

  • Specialized knowledge: Acquire the knowledge and skills needed to achieve your goal.

  • Imagination: Use your imagination to visualize your goal and see yourself achieving it.

  • Organized planning: Develop a detailed plan of action to achieve your goal.

  • Decision: Make a firm decision to follow through on your plan and never give up.

  • Persistence: Keep working towards your goal, even when faced with obstacles or setbacks.

  • Power of the Master Mind: Surround yourself with like-minded people who support and encourage you.

  • The Mystery of Sex Transmutation: Use the power of your sexual energy to fuel your desire and drive.

  • The Subconscious Mind: Tap into the power of your subconscious mind to help you achieve your goals.

  • The Brain: Use your brain to analyze and plan, and to make decisions and take action.

  • The Sixth Sense: Trust your intuition and inner guidance to help you make the right decisions and achieve your goals.

Yuval Noah Harrari

Homo Deus: A History of Tomorrow

new worlds and Homo Deus: History of Tomorrow

In "Homo Deus: A History of Tomorrow," Yuval Noah Harari presents a compelling perspective on humanity's past, present, and potential future trajectory. He delves into various aspects of human development, from the evolution of societal norms to the rise of technology and artificial intelligence, offering insights into how these factors will shape the destiny of our species.


One of the central themes of the book is the pivotal role that technology, particularly AI and data operations, will play in shaping our future. Harari argues that while environmental risks are significant, it is the manipulation and utilization of data that will fundamentally redefine how we live our lives. He explores the idea that the integration of technology into every aspect of our existence, from healthcare to transportation, will lead to unprecedented changes in human society.


Harari's exploration of past pandemics and their impact on human development is particularly prescient given the COVID-19 pandemic that emerged after the book's publication. He highlights how previous outbreaks have spurred advancements in medicine and public health, underscoring the importance of preparedness and innovation in addressing global health challenges.


Additionally, Harari emphasizes the urgent need to address environmental degradation, noting the inherent conflict between economic growth and environmental preservation. He warns that without concerted efforts to mitigate climate change and other environmental threats, the future of humanity on Earth is in jeopardy.


One of the most thought-provoking aspects of the book is Harari's speculation on the future possibilities enabled by advancing technology. He envisions a world where connectivity and automation revolutionize everyday life, from smart transportation systems to algorithm-driven resource allocation.


Harari's call to action resonates throughout the book, urging readers to consider the implications of their actions on shaping the future of humanity. He emphasizes the importance of collective responsibility in steering society towards a more sustainable and equitable future.


Moreover, Harari advocates for a nuanced understanding of technological advancement, cautioning against succumbing to unfounded conspiracy theories while acknowledging the potential risks and challenges posed by emerging technologies. He underscores the importance of approaching discussions about the impact of technology on society with skepticism and critical thinking, rather than succumbing to fear-mongering or simplistic narratives.


By urging readers to engage with technology and data in a more informed and thoughtful manner, Harari empowers them to take an active role in shaping their future in an increasingly digital and interconnected world. He encourages readers to embrace the opportunities afforded by technological innovation while remaining vigilant against the potential pitfalls and ethical dilemmas that may arise.


He states that we have bioengineering, anti-aging, becoming super humans and boosting our own abilities, worrying about how the rich will be able to further develop themselves thus creating a gap between classes. The idea of being able to live longer, boost happiness and knowledge . Harari thinks that with our progress in science, technology, and how we organize society, we're shifting our attention to boosting our own powers and changing what it means to be human.


Harari wonders if these advances might give us an unprecedented levels of control over our lives and selves, blurring the line between humans and machines.


Overall, "Homo Deus" offers a compelling exploration of humanity's past, present, and potential futures and mainly the provocative increasing relationship between humans and technology, challenging readers to confront pressing existential questions and consider the paths we may choose to pursue. Harari's insights serve as a sobering reminder of the power and responsibility inherent in shaping the destiny of our species.

Space Supernova

Timothy Gallway

The Inner Game of Tennis

The Inner Game of Tennis by Timothy Gallway is a great read which purpose reaches everyone not only tennis players. It perfectly describes the constant inner battle between Self 1 and Self 2. The one is motivated by self doubts, overthinking and too much ego, while the other voice is different. It helps you achieve and understand why self doubt and other negative attributes prevents one from winning.


It is motivating and at the same time relaxing and captivating story for everyone who would like to master their mental skills on and off the court. Whether you are a violist or want to become a business leader, the Gallway's story goes through series of secret ways on how to achieve the utmost of your potential which not only lies in the way you hold  the racket. Let's start with not criticising yourself or seeing a failure as a mistake. Just observe.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

MIT Technology Review

This is where you will find all human made advancements in the world right now. 

Red Light Art technology and MIT technology Review
Reservoir, showing the beauty and freedom pressing the human spirit. Inspired by The parasitic Mind by Gad Saad

Gad Saad

The Parasitic Mind  
How infectious Ideas are Killing Common Sense

"Great book!" as described by Elon Musk. The book tells that one's brain may be one's own enemy. The importance of fundamental values.

Jami Attenberg

1000 Words

In this Book Jami Attenberg stresses on the importance of being creative and provides her own stories in how to turn writing into a loving and joyful experience. 

The best source of creativity from the book is that it is written in a free form, giving you sense of wanting to play and not be bounded by season or environment when choosing your words and stories. 

It provides you with motivation to keep unleashing words for those who love writing and is a reminder for women power and magnetism. 

What began as a simple challenge between two friends has become a literary movement—writing 1,000 words per day and the world begins to smile.


Brian Tracy

The Psychology of Selling


To know how to sell is one of the most useful tools one could acquire. It is the foundation for all business processes. Successful selling is also success in life. 

This book helps anyone who would like to develop themselves as a salesman or a woman but is also useful information to knowing how to approach people in the business environment and for anyone who considers starting business of their own. 



Some of the most useful tools are being confident in approaching people and starting your first calls early. Starting from there the Tracy advices teach goal setting and achieving, effective time management, the power of persistence and building long-term relationships. 


The psychology of selling is worth the while, learning selling will provide you with personal development, enrich your authenticity with skills to be able to navigate your more efficiently professional settings in the field. 

Jim All-Khalili


The World According to Physics 

Exploring the universe, including the laws of physics, I have finally gained understanding of what quantum physics is. Although there are numerous books by many great minds, none of them was able to give me a simple understanding. Of course to reach to this point, I have read and listened to more information about what string theory is than you can imagine. 

This book provides understanding of the subatomic world which is determined by multiple realities different than the obvious human laws.According to the quantum world there are other realities which are equally possible. The matters that help understand this quantum world are energy, matter and the theories by the greatest physicists Plank, Einstein, Bor, Shrodinger, Kopernikus und others great minds. 

Stephen Hawkin

Brief Answers to Big Questions

The great physicist Stephen Hawking has served humanity in providing answers to fundamental questions about the universe. His works on black holes are worth reading as much as his predictions on the beginning to the universe. 


Brief answers to big questions is no exception in Hawking’s tremendous views on the beginning of the universe, current challenges in the world, including asteroid collision, what the future holds, human spaceflights and whether there is a God. Interestingly enough he has tapped in the world of Artificial intelligence and predicts a positive impact on the interaction between humans and robots. 


The book was published in 2018 and was one of his latest works. The book is an essential and understandable guide for those who just began to learn the secrets of the universe!


The Fire Next Time

James Baldwin 

Human-Robot Friendship_edited_edited.jpg

A national bestseller when it first appeared in 1963, The Fire Next Time galvanized the nation and gave passionate voice to the emerging civil rights movement. At once a powerful evocation of James Baldwin’s early life in Harlem and a disturbing examination of the consequences of racial injustice, the book is an intensely personal and provocative document.  


The Fire Next Time stands as a classic of our literature. As much as it is a reckoning with humans rights, The Fire Next Time is also a clarion call to care, courage, and love. He concludes with the line “God gave Noah the rainbow sign. No more water, the fire next time!” meaning that, if we do not adhere to change, humanity will burn in a biblical apocalypse.

Will and Ariel Durant

The Lessons of History

In this illuminating and thoughtful book, Will and Ariel Durant have succeeded in distilling for the reader the accumulated store of knowledge and experience from their four decades of work on the ten monumental volumes of "The Story of Civilization." The result is a survey of human history, full of dazzling insights into the nature of human experience, the evolution of civilization, the culture of man. With the completion of their life's work they look back and ask what history has to say about the nature, the conduct and the prospects of man, seeking in the great lives, the great ideas, the great events of the past for the meaning of man's long journey through war, conquest and creation - and for the great themes that can help us to understand our own era. Designed to accompany the ten-volume set of The Story of Civilization, The Lessons of History is, in its own right, a profound and original work of history and philosophy.


The chapters included are: 


  1. Hesitations

  2. History and the Earth

  3. Biology and History

  4. Race and History

  5. Character and History

  6. Morals and History

  7. Religion and History

  8. Economics and History 



Durant observations are a great way to tap into the sphere of civilisations most important to the realms of humankind. Although modern history and technological advancements are not included, I found most fascinating the way he describes intelligence as the most treasured gift of democracy. He continues to explore the sides of human expanding in his tools, but having a reason to be most important. The book writing style is so phenomenal as probably all of their larger volumes summarised here. 

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